Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Taos Activities Bikram Yoga

As if that was not enough to heat all summer in DC, the Club has decided to begin the adventure of Taos 108 degrees - in. Bikram Yoga web site of Reston, they offer 48 "Bikram Yoga" classes per week. Classes for all levels (uh huh, sure they are).

Earlier in the day, two Taos Sistas is an instant message about the show that night. So you understand the tone set for the evening events, this is their IM exchange:
Ashli ??George: I just got a pain in the lower back. What happens to us? Yoga better fix this.
shana_spiess: oh no!

Ashli ??George: Just call me Abu savasana
shana_spiess: headache and Summer
shana_spiess: Summer savasana
Ashli ??George: and Kristin was afraid and works outside all day w / camps and will run out
shana_spiess: The Sistas savasana

Their website goes on to say: You do not need to sign-up for the previous series, only to emerge a few minutes before our class. * They should have added: And by appearing a few minutes early, you should be quiet and happy where you are ohm, peace (what?) And have your game face on because it is dead serious. (It was very painful silence in the classroom and they are way high on the expertise of "all levels" are in various awkward positions to start prepping for the class of Taos Some very silly and juvenile member (or members of typing this blog entry) can. Almost stifle a laugh if not Therefore, sultry oppressive, painful heat -. OMG I can not breathe -108 degrees room, the laughter will occur).

As you read this yogi friends probably already know, Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 postures done in a sequence-specifically designed to provide "optimal health and longevity" - assuming you do not pass out and die in the first grade. (Sorry, we're actually trying to refer from using words like "dead" and "dead" metaphor when describing events - those words have been more used already in this post and to other words come to mind to adequately describe the situation this, they will remain in this post) the class is 90 minutes long hell, and is usually done in a room of about 105-110 degrees Fahrenheit for heating the whole body, to work deep into the body's muscles, tendons and ligaments and change / regeneration. body from the inside out. Our bodies have been working for since core temp reading in our room was 108. I. I could not. Breathing. Adding insult to injury (which thankfully has not happened), Taos Club members are separated. Really? The room was jammed pack and we - the "right time" - we moved around, spaced apart, causing major disruption for those students who located their mats, towels, water and puddles of sweat around them already. "Hi, we are so new ... obviously the first timer ... laughing, giggling ... Could we be more annoying?"

To make a long and painful 90-minute short, we all survived - some of us, hardly. Instead of the typical social outings us after that, we sat at a picnic table in the fresh air to cool 90 degrees. We discuss the next moments, quotes and memorable events of the class that we do not want to forget:

    "Massage the colon" - In 35 + years we have never heard such a phrase. It is said three times during the class. We're still not convinced that we are right colon massage and no cyst has fesses up to any relief of post-bowel-massaging.
    Puddle - We've never seen such a sweat to accumulate a large, splashy puddles by a man as they do in Bikram yoga. As if we were just wet me the whole class. The dripping never diminished, stagnant water never stops.
    Men in underwear - Men wearing what looked like a pair of pants to class. Such interference. Please wear clothes. (Although at least 10 minutes before class, we hope we are almost naked, too. So Damn .. Hot.)
    "Your goal is to stay in the room" - Stay in the room? Easy peas we thought. Thirty minutes in the classroom, this is a joke. As one of the cyst was light headed and started to walk out of class to the air, the instructor suggested that he sit down and just breathe, walk and get to the cold air will only make it worse. From fear to actually pass out with the running or thinking this is actually sound advice, we were sitting in a puddle of breathing cyst. Impressively, he can rejoin the class!
    "First Timer, back row" - another cyst is referred to in this way and give polite criticism ... now it's just plain wrong. First timer, back row? Sheesh.

The last thing to know about this particular yoga session is that the engine is squeezed orange juice for fresh OJ to be operated by a staff member yogi alone, and even at that, he / she must be trained. There is a cup which is located in the dispenser spout to excess "discharge" from the previous drink made of fresh squeezed. One is to not drink "debit". (More excitement ensued from the use of words in the activities of the Taos Sistas ... stay tuned for that blog post It's so worth a laugh .. Ok, it's funny to us.)

In short, this is a trip, eh .... Taos is just what the club is all about: Trying Anything Once. Emphasis on once in this case.

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